Wednesday, July 27, 2011

In the beginning

I may be crazy to be starting a blog at this point in my life, but I've been inspired lately by friends and, I admit, Julie Powell. I also am trying to fill a hole in my own life. I love to read, and love to talk about what I read, and love to just hang around at home as much as possible. So rather than join a book club, I'd rather sit on my couch in my pajamas and tell you what I think about the books I read. You can comment if you'd like--I actually would love to hear your thoughts about the books. Imagine me reading your comments with a glass of wine and plate of brie and crackers, like a real book club. Just don't forget that I'm in my pj's.

If you're going to be in this club with me, there are a few things you might want to know about me as a reader:

1) I am an English teacher, but don't let that turn you off. I don't read books to analyze them or write book reports. I read to connect, and escape, and enjoy, and maybe learn. 

2)  I tend to go through books in phases, like recently I've read lots of memoirs and "true novels" (more on those later). My husband does the same thing, but his phases have included zombie books and post-apocalyptic novels. Ugh.

3) I get my books from anywhere and everywhere. I like to scope out the book club selections at the public library, get suggestions from my middle school students, borrow books from my mom and grandma, and I'm just now entering the world of the free books on the Kindle.

To give you an idea, here are some of the books I've read recently. I didn't love them all, but I'm not just going to write about the books I loved:
Half Broke Horses, Jeanette Walls
A Gesture Life, Chang-Rae Lee
Julie and Julia, Julie Powell
The Year of Yes, Maria Dahvana Headley
The Story of Forgetting, Stefan Merrill Block
Too Close to the Falls, Catherine Gildiner
Mockingjay, Suzanne Collins
The Exile of Sarah Stevenson, Darci Hannah
Girl in a Blue Dress, Gaynor Arnold

Next up: How High the Moon, by Sandra Kring


  1. I've totally been on a zombie/post-apocalyptic kick lately! Currently reading Pride and Prejudice and Zombies :) But don't worry Kelsey, I read other stuff too. Looking forward to getting some recommendations here!

  2. Thanks for commenting, Allison! I forgot about those books you were reading at the lake. You and Justin could have your own book club!

  3. Kels, love your writing style! I’ll volunteer to be an editor when YOU write a book. (I’ve made the same offer to your dad, but he has produced nada….) Just finished How High the Moon on your recommend. Loved it - thanks! I thought it reminiscent Of Best Christmas Pageant Ever. I always have several books going at the same time, excited to add you as a source for good finds. Must confess though, that I have one foot firmly in the vampire/zombie/post-apocalyptic camp, both modern and classic. You're missing out - spend a little time in the Alli, Justin, Barb club ;)
