In the midst of this process, I started teaching again, my sister had a baby, my cousin got married, and my kids went back to school and daycare. It's all been a very rich time, and filled my minutes and hours with exciting new experiences, and also a few three year old melt downs.
So I find myself, at the beginning of September, on a glorious almost-fall day, having planted my mums and swept my porch and sitting down without a favorite book to read or a favorite place to read it. I have not yet answered my question...where will I read?
I could read here..

Or here...
Or here...
But the routine still isn't there, the places don't feel right yet, and frankly I'm tired. So meanwhile I mostly read facebook and also these books to get me back in the brain of middle school girls again...
When I'm done with these, I hope to get back to my routine and joy of reading novels. I have this stack waiting for me. They haven't appealed to me much yet so I may take them back and start fresh. If you see one in here that you loved, please tell me and maybe I won't abandon it.